Workshop #1 Tutorial

Before you continue

Please make sure you have done the following :

  • A Github account
  • A Digital Ocean account & cash-in the voucher given earlier
  • Have Ruby installed locally
  • Have Redis Server installed locally
  • Have PostgreSQL installed locally
  • Prepare SSH key for your machine


In this tutorial we are building 2 simple apps - Shopping Cart & Customer Relationship Management (CRM) portal.

The Shopping Cart will have a catalogue of products, then customers can buy and sales will be captured. And in the end the customer’s information is sent to the CRM.

In addition to that, we want to queue up the API requests so that the purchase process is not blocked / slowed down.

And finally, we need to write an automated deployment script to deploy both apps to their respective servers.

Step 1: Creating the Shopping Cart

Estimate time: 20 mins

Create Rails App with PostgreSQL database [how ah?]

$ rails new shopping_cart --database=postgresql
$ cd shopping_cart
$ rake db:create

Admin login using Devise [how ah?]

# Gemfile
gem 'devise' 
$ rails generate devise:install
$ rails generate devise Admin

$ rake db:migrate

Setup Upmin Admin on /admin [how ah?]

# Gemfile
gem 'upmin-admin'
# config/routes.rb
mount Upmin::Engine => '/admin'

Scaffold “Products” Model
Add some styles [how ah?]

# Gemfile
gem 'foundation-rails'
$ rails g foundation:install

Scaffold “Sales”
Product Checkout & Sales

Step 2: Creating the CRM

Estimate time: 30 mins

User login using Devise [how ah?]

# Gemfile
gem 'devise' 
$ rails generate devise:install
$ rails generate devise Admin

$ rake db:migrate

Scaffold Customers Model [how ah?]

$ rails g resource Customer email:string first_name:string last_name:string address:string zipcode:string country:string

Setup Upmin Admin [how ah?]

# Gemfile
gem 'upmin-admin' 
# config/routes.rb
  mount Upmin::Engine => '/'

“API Applications” Model
Setup API with Grape
Setup API Documentation with Grape-Swagger-Rails

Step 3: Integrating with API

Estimate time: 20 mins

Generate API token for Shopping Cart app
Use API token to send customer data to CRM
Setup Rails Config

Step 4: Queue Up Jobs

Estimate time: 15 mins

Setup Sidekiq
Use Sidekiq to queue up jobs

Step 5: Setup Digital Ocean

Estimate time: 15 mins

Generate / Get public SSH Key for machine
Add SSH Key
Create two (2) 14.04 x64 Ubuntu droplets with private networking

Step 6: Prep the Servers

Estimate time: 20 mins

Install rbenv with ruby-build
Install PostgreSQL
Install Redis Server
Security tweaks: change SSH port and disable root access

Step 7: Deployment

Estimate time: 15 mins

Setup Capistrano with Capistrano Rbenv + Capistrano Sidekiq + Capistrano Unicorn Nginx
Create & upload production settings
Finally … Deploy Live !!

Overall Progress: 0%
